Sunday, July 09, 2006

"fI I Can Dream"

Today is a lazy kind of Sunday, one that allows me to sit back and recollect on the good and bad in my lifetime. I certainly have had my share of ups and downs. Last night I was introduced for the first time to "YouTube" and I, of course, gravitated toward Elvis Presley. As most everyone knows, he was born in Tupelo, Mississippi and, maybe everyone doesn't know, for a very brief time his parents lived in Pascagoula in 1940 when Elvis was four or five yrs. old. So... those two facts gave me a way to put Elvis on my blog.

His song, "If I Can Dream" gives a little insight into what we are experiencing.


Ruth said...

No I am not kidding!! I didn't know it until after he died and had read all the books about him. His parents had come to Pascagoula looking for work, times were hard. Gladys hated the town and so they didn't stay long. Elvis was too close to our time to think he would be someone so big in his day.I used to love to dance to Jailhouse Rock. To think you would be instrumental in giving me a way to get Elvis on my blog. Thanks Goat!

Ruth said...

Elvis was in Pascagoula before I was born so it goes way back. Who would have known them? He was just a baby. When I use to go to dances at Keesler he was to entertain and most of us girls didn't go as we didn't know who he was. lol