Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My daughter ordered an interactive game called "Wii". I bet you have heard of it and probably have one yourself. I went over to her house today and we played. What a fun form of exercise, I am sure that tomorrow more than my knee will hurt. I was excellent at bowling, golf wasn't too bad. Playing baseball, I never hit the ball but when I was the pitcher, I struck them out. It was fun. On my return home, I took pictures of new construction.


Unknown said...

Yay! I will gladly suffer what they're calling "Wii-itus" for the fun. You are hereby officially invited to thousands more Wii sessions. We'll have ice packs and pain reliever near by.

Wonderful, terrible pictures as usual.

Ruth said...

LOL I am hoping that all the raking I do will save me. I understand why we have a wristband on are we would knock the TV screen out or a side window. lol It was fun.