Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sorry folks that I haven't been here much lately. I am bored not having anything new to talk about. A lot of time has passed and there have been no "big" changes in Pascagoula. There are small businesses that have not reopened. The homes that are being rebuilt are mostly on Beach Blvd. and Washington Avenue. The homes on east beach were not completely destroyed and they came back rather quickly. West beach was wiped out and it is taking longer. A great swath of Washington Avenue was destroyed and there is much to do but they are showing progress. Out of this great tragedy that befell us, I have been witness to the goodness of people. For instance, today I kept an appointment with a dentist that I had called because I had lost a filling in one of my teeth. Since I personally didn't know any I looked in the directory. The first I called said he was booked. The next never answered the message I left. When I arrived for my appointment, I was shocked when I entered the small building ... it was storm damaged. He told me as he worked on my tooth that he had been practicing for 30 yrs. It was a painless procedure. He certainly knew his profession. Afterwards, we chatted for awhile and I told him that my late husband had worked for doctors and dentists. I took my checkbook from my purse and said, "How much do I owe you"? He said, "Thirty five dollars." I said, "Doctor that isn't enough ... I am going to pay you more". As I was writing the check he very softly said, "So many people are having a tough time and I am trying to help. " Now that is kindness, isn't it? Fema has been reneging on promises made. I want to tell as many people that I can in case you are ever faced with anything like happened to us. They say all kinds of grand things that never materialize. We have been getting a lot of rain. Usually, I complain about the heat and lack of rain killing the plants but now too much rain will kill them.

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