Monday, April 23, 2007

Lately, I have slacked off on news about Katrina's aftermath in the coastal area of Mississippi. Since many things in my life need attention also, at times it will seem as though I have discontinued my "diary".... I haven't. I have written from my perspective on my experiences and have, hopefully, touched on the experiences of others as they struggle to survive.

Time has had a strange effect on me. I see the date on calendars and newspapers and realize that on April 29th that it will be 20 months since Katrina upended our lives. It has to be longer than that. What happened? In a normal life, we go about our daily business without much thought to time other than in relation to keeping appointments, celebrating birthdays or saying there isn't enough time in a day to complete all chores. Imagine spending 20 months actually hearing the ticking of a clock as you WAIT on everything. At this writing, I have bronchitis which is either a complication of the flu I had in March or as a result of the continuous sheetrock dust, mold or emissions from a refinery that we ALL breathe each day. Foolish perhaps but I hesitate to go to the doctor as I don't feel well enough to wait

I have a dead tree in the front yard that I had made arrangements for the lawn service guys to take down. Although the price for the tree was separate from general lawn cleanup, it was the reason I hired them. They based their price for lawn clean up on 4 days of work which in actuality they finished in 6 hrs. (1 hr. eaten up repairing a water pipe they burst). When they arrived to start the work they said they couldn't take the tree down as there were power lines in the way and that they couldn't trim the bushes at front of house as they didn't have a ladder. (I got them a ladder) Can you see what we "put up" with?

Yesterday I went out to visit my daughter who is also sick. Workers were there stirring up dust and discovered more mold as they removed the sheetrock. This morning I got a message from her that she couldn't breathe. It seems we have more threats to our safety in the aftermath.

On my way home, I snapped a few pictures.

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