Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Where do I begin? I have writer's block I suppose or maybe I have grown tired of submerging myself in the aftermath of Katrina. I still drive around looking for progress but we have again reached a plateau and construction is stalled. The homes on the beach were/are occupied by many doctors, lawyers executives from corporations and those who will, like their ancestors, pass their homes on to the next generation. Skilled contractors are needed to get the homes moving at a faster pace. It would be interesting to know the exact number of contractors in the Pascagoula area. Watching the snail's pace as my daughter's home is repaired .. there aren't many. After skylights were installed in her roof, one was cracked. Then it rained torrents and two of three. leaked. It will be weeks before work can again begin on the skylights. Their fireplace doors finally arrived and I applaud my daughter ... she installed them.

I see some progress in Pascagoula but there is still much to do. As after Camille, businesses had to start again and many of the buildings have been "nipped and tucked". Actually, it is the logical thing to do. People can't wait forever to get back to their livelihood.

Personally, I have been working in my yard planting flowers. Last summer there was no pollination... flowers were stunted and colorless. This year the birds, butterflies and squirrels are back. I have never seen so much pollen fall at one time. Claritin did not help the resulting allergies so I have switched to benadryl.

This afternoon, Anita and I took the children to the park. The "splashpad" is almost complete. Benches, tables and swings are scattered picturesquely under the oaks.. Lighting has been restored. Overall it is very nice. The color scheme is blue. The fence that encloses the park is the icing on the cake.

Before I close, I am still reeling from the tragedy that happened at Virginia Tech. My heart and prayers go out to the families of the students who became victims of a deranged young man. I am so sorry!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gee the fence looks even better in the picture! Thanks for the outing - we all enjoyed it.