Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Getting too far up on a high horse

Getting too far up on a high horse: "We all have a tendency to get on a high horse about something. Getting on a high horse indicates that weaknesses in others make you feel a little superior.

There's a danger in forgetting that we all have strengths and weaknesses. One of my weaknesses is getting on a high horse about people who get on a high horse.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are seasons for being thankful, exchanging gifts and giving to those less fortunate than ourselves.

That's where we have to be careful. The very term 'less fortunate' can be a slippery slope. Sometimes people give to the 'less fortunate' to pump themselves up or to be boastful. Beware of people who give with expectations. Toxic packages are wrapped in guilt with strings attached.

It's important to remember what one lacks financially, another may possess in ways that have nothing to do with money. It all depends on what you value. Belongings are just the tip of the iceberg.

A rundown, crowded home may be filled to the brim with love. You just can't judge from the outside looking in."

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