Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Hug Of Understanding!

Just a short nine days from today will be 6 months since I have been literally baring my heart to anyone who may happen upon my blog and read what I have to say. My blog started as a "supplement" to my daughter who is the author of "Did We Survive Hurricane Katrina Or Not"

Anita has four young children that absolve much of her waking hours thus placing a limit on any time she can spend away from her home. So we agreed that I would be the outside news gatherer who often depicted what I wrote about with pics of the actual scenes I encountered in Pascagoula and other areas in the coastal cities in the State of Mississippi.

I will start with a short history of why we all took up residency in Pascagoula, especially me, after so many years away. In 2003, Anita and Dave resided in Gulfport, Ms. and I in a rural area in Lumberton, Ms.. and our lives had become one of impracticability. Dave worked and still does at Northrop Grumman in Pascagoula and, because of shipyard traffic, he was often late getting home. I needed help at times in Lumberton and they were too far away to assist. So we all decided to move to Pascagoula for Dave to be near his work and because it was my hometown, I readily agreed. We shared a house for two years and because their family was increasing in size I felt the only practical thing for me to do, was move. In May 2005 I was in my new home in Moss Point, Ms. praying that I had done the right thing. Then Katrina came ashore and, as you all know, became an upheaval in all of our lives. And yes my move turned out to be exactly what would help us survive the first two weeks after Katrina. To exist in such an atmosphere should be considered an act of heroism not foolishness. Hope for putting our lives aright again will at times wane toward despair but after a "good cry" we once more go forward.

I am proud of my daughter's blog as it is not only filled with knowledge through experience of what is happening in their everyday lives but she has shared a very personal part of herself with her readers, as have I. There are very few comments on our writings. Maybe you think what you have to say wouldn't be enough but you are wrong. You would be surprised at what a word or two of acknowledgment would do for our morale. Looking back in your life, can't you remember how a simple hug brought you comfort? Since you can't actually hug us, your words would be a hug of understanding.

My thanks go out to all of you who have read my writings along with my assurance that a hug is all I want for my endeavors to have somehow painted a picture with words of what we are going through. My daughter said that she could definitely use a hug of understandibng but what she can really use is free gas.. a good contractor... someone to cook for her.... !


The Smiths said...

I read your blog almost everyday...and I'm sending hugs your way Ruth !!!!


Oh, and of course lots of prayers !!!

Ruth said...

Thank you MJ for reading and understanding what I felt when I wrote this post. As I looked at the lovely pic of you and your daughters I could feel the HUGS sent my way. Your describing life as sorta like a roller coaster ride is a perfect analogy of what we are experiencing here, especially Anita and her young family. Please keep your prayers coming our way, they sustain us. God Bless You!!!

Unknown said...

Hey! Does it count if I leave a hug again? :)

Ruth said...

Well Anita sweetie I guess you can because I don't see the first one you sent. Hugs back.

Shannon Smith said...

I'm MJ's daughter...and I want to send my hugs, too! I stumbled on your blog through hers.

Ruth said...

Shannon, how nice of you to send me a hug too. I can use all the hugs I can get as sometimes my spirits take a downward spin. I will come to check out your blog as well as your Mom's. Again, thank you!

Unknown said...

Okay okay... I don't actually need anybody to cook for me... but since you were asking - I thought I'd throw that in there. :)

And I suppose I don't actually need the free gas either -- those hugs get a lot of mileage these days.

Hmm. but I'm still in need of a good contractor...

Swapna Padmanabh said...

Well, I musn't be remiss now. So HUG from me! HUG from Oli, HUG from Tinka, and even Konji Nu Wai Ashiko Matimaihimo sends his regards. He's not really the hugging type.

I also have to say that it's funny you are mentioning people leaving comments...just the other day, as I read Anita's blog, I wanted to do a sort of call to arms. To remind her readers they need to let her know they are still there. But instead I got sidetracked by my outrage and left unbelievably wordy comments of rage. Not that suprising though, is it:P


Ruth said...

Anita, you gave me your permission to use the comments and I know you really meant it. LOL Let's say that you meant it always is nice when someone occasionally does the cooking and also has KP. You didn't mean you couldn't buy gas you meant to say that it would be nice if the price per gallon went down. Lastly, you said exactly what you meant, You need a good contractor to repair the repairs. LOL

My Love and Hugs To You!!!!

Ruth said...

Swapna thanks for the hug and the hugs from all your pets. LOL I would love to hear you pronounce all their names for me. With my drawl if I tried I guarantee you would laugh. A little birdie that I know told me how you felt about lack of comments and it is so nice when someone comments with words of encouragement.I am thoroughly enjoying all the HUGS.

Next time I come to your blog I am going to leave lots of hugs for you.