Monday, May 15, 2006

Optimism Versus Reality

Today I find myself too disheartened to write about the ongoing fiasco taking place in our area. Anyone who is subjected to day in and day out stress for a long period of time will eventually have to pay a high price with their physical and emotional health. Young and old alike are bordering on despair with the seemingly never ending waiting. When an end to the waiting period finally arrives to help alleviate their human misery, it usually becomes the onset of yet another waiting period.

People who do get a grant from the State will have to put covenants on their properties that are binding ... i.e. homes will be built to code (whatever that code is), the necessary elevation is required and flood insurance must be maintained on said property forever. You cannot receive assistance if the required covenants are not attached to their form. What frightens me is what are the penalities for non conformance ...... sure I know, if these covenants are not attached to their form, assistance will not be forthcoming but what about the people who do not receive assistance? And there will be many as the money will not take care of all needing help. So I suppose if those same people attempt to repair or rebuild their property to what they can afford that they will lose their property because freedom to rebuild as they choose has been taken away.

The disposition of optimism is wearing a little thin after 8 1/2 months of wishing ... waiting... and hoping!


Unknown said...

Amen to that!! I'm feeling today that optimism is severely overrated.

You know sometimes I wonder...

I'm glad that our readers are encouraged and inspired by our spirit and courage in the face of disaster. It's very nice that people read our posts and smile at our optimism (there it is again!).

But exactly what good has it done us so far? It seems to me - at least today.. and this could be fleeting - that it has managed to do for us is put us in a position of feeling that we have to constantly put on a smile for our audience... despite feeling totally defeated and in need of a great big hug. It's tiring, isn't it?

So here's a hug for you from me. Because I know better. *hug*

Ruth said...

I am late with my reply but here it is. I needed that hug. Here's one back. "hug"