Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Hodge -Podge Of News

As the months pass there are so many things happening that it is difficult to write about just one situation. Housing still remains the biggest problem on the coast but there are also many other things that we have to endure post Katrina. No issue is small to the victims of this storm, everything seems monumental. Should we chance letting private citizens ignite their own fireworks this 4th of July since our area is so dry from lack of rain?

Private Citizens And Fireworks

Those of us who stayed during the storm and survived that terrible day are not the only ones having problems emotionally. Whether you stayed or evacuated, homes were destroyed or damaged and all of our lives changed drastically.

Mental Health

All counties are experiencing the lack of doctors, especially specialists. My recent admission to ER at Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula went very well, although I do know that we have lost some of our doctors. Hancock County is reporting a problem.

Lack of Surgeons

Yesterday I went on one of my searches hoping to take a few random pictures and was lucky to get one of new construction and one being lifted to required elevations. Very sad to see. Digital cameras are one of the greatest "gadgets" around but they have a ravenous appetite for batteries.

I am finding that it is growing harder for me to regularly post to my blog as I am living in all that I write about. To sum up today's post, my son in law asked, "Nana when do you think this will all end?" Oh! How I wish I could have had profound words to speak but all I managed to say after hesitating awhile was, "I really.....don't know." He looked down in sadness.


The Smiths said...

Ruth...We continue to pray that God will be the lifter of you head. ((((HUGS))) Melanie

Ruth said...

Thank you MJ. He is the one that has sustained us this long. In our humaness, we are confused and very tired. As I said, even the smaller things are big issues. It saps your strength. Keep the prayers coming!