Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just like most days, I can be found dragging the sprinklers around the yard trying to save at least a little of the lawn. Today is no exception. Why can't it rain? Next year, barring another catastrophe, I am seriously thinking about having underground sprinklers installed. My post today is more on the lighthearted side. Personally, I wear the mask of comedy more than I adorn the mask of tragedy. I love to laugh and can find humor in most things. For instance, I had written a post about my annoying neighbor that not only piled his trash in the front of my house, he did not rake his leaves and bag them as I did. He would blow them into my yard and I raked and bagged them. I have provided a link to that post.

My Neighbor

When doing work in my front yard this past spring I watched as my neighbor came down his drive almost fugitively bringing trash to the street and as always put it in front of my house. I didn't react outwardly that day. Weeks passed and his demeanor appeared to be one of fright if I was outside but it didn't deter him from putting his "junk" on my side. So... after calling to mind my Dad telling me because of my attitude at a particular time in my life that I could catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, I decided to try it with my neighbor.

As he was again putting his "stuff" out I went up to him and explained that since my property was on a slight incline that I couldn't cut the grass with his trash piled so close to my property. He kind of mumbled but never again did he put anything over the line. I wasn't content with that so whenever he came outside I began calling to him saying, "Hi! How are you today"? or "Pretty day, isn't it"? and he always responded in kind. He stopped blowing his leaves into my yard and all became as it should be with neighbors.

Last night I put my garbage out and this morning the neighbor's was there too. He is infringing again but in no way did it irritate me. I thought it was hilarious. There is a lesson to be learned here and that is "Honey" works everytime!

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