Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just a short note to all of you that read my blog. Sometimes I have to just take a break from all the "reporting" I have been doing on my hometown and surrounding areas to psyche myself up to continue. We have been enduring the hardships of Katrina's aftermath not only in our waking hours but at times in restless sleep and troubled dreams about our uncertain future. Someone recently asked me, "What do you think will happen?" Personally, I am free to offer a conjecture based entirely only on what I have read and seen from day to day. The working class, heart of any city, are not being focused on as they should be. There is so much "red tape" involved that is delaying the rebuilding of their homes. Much of that "red tape" is impossible to comply with, so they are forced to leave and take up residency elsewhere. Then there are the "diehards" like me who refuse to give up their freedom to live where they choose. But then I ask myself, "Are we really free"? There is eminent domain lurking in the background that can take that freedom away. I read about the casinos and condos and the chance that the Coast has to be a playground where the mega wealthy can come on a "holiday" while the remaining citizens who have managed to "hang on" could still be residing in a FEMA trailer that they would be paying rent on along with the mortgage on their destroyed homes. Although the casinos can put people to work again, there are people who held other jobs. Most locally owned businesses are not operational.. After nine months of not seeing much progress, my optimism for a bright future has dimmed considerably.

There have been no concrete answers on any of the problems that exist here. "Just a whole lot of waiting going on". Hey! That reminds me of a song so I will end on that note!

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