Monday, October 09, 2006

Hazards In The Roadways

In the news lately there have been fatalities caused by hazards on the highways. Interstate 10 is our only route to get to the coastal cities so there is always a great amount of traffic. With all the construction taking place in our areas there are many open bed trucks carrying materials and debris. Sometimes, unfortunately, things will fall off these trucks creating a dangerous hazard for those traveling the interstate.

We should be more aware of our surroundings and be alert to the conditions of the roads around our own cities also. The incident I encountered Saturday was quite different. Whenever I go visit my daughter and family, since she lives in close proximity to the beach, I usually take a ride to look for new construction. I had just turned right onto Washington Avenue and saw a man walking to my right and I instinctively moved left to give a wide berth to the pedestrian. It was then too late to avoid a long metal strip laying in the road..... I ran over it. As of today, everything seems fine with the car. My husband used to ask me if I aimed for the pot holes and whatever was in the road.

Further down Washington I saw where the metal most likely came from. I can only imagine how the truck incurred the damage as I didn't witness it. So all of you please take extra precautions ... I will!

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