Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Imagine you are alone in your house on Halloween and after tossing and turning restlessly you decide you may as well get up. You reach for your bedside lamp and flip the switch to on and find it doesn't work. You grope your way to the hallway bathroom and the same thing happens. You begin to hear strange fluttering noises as you continue searching for light. Your imagination begins to run wild, you are sweating and your heart is racing. You remember this is Halloween ... the night of the dead and hideous monsters. Can you think of anything more terrifying than thinking you might have to face DRACULA in total blackness??? At last, you find one small lamp to cast a little light as you count the passing hours waiting for this night of darkness to end. Prepare this Halloween, be sure all the lights in the house are in working order. Turn them ALL on at dusk as he (Dracula) ONLY carries out his "bloody" evil under the cover of darkness!!


Unknown said...

LOL Mama!! Great post!!
Happy Halloween :) Love ya.

Ruth said...

lol It fits how I feel about the dark. Can you imagine anyone going through this every night?