Tuesday, October 17, 2006

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Saucier Couple Says Of Gunman: "It Was Him Or Us"

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Saucier Couple Says Of Gunman: "It Was Him Or Us": "A gun battle in Saucier ended with an armed robbery suspect dead and an elderly couple lucky to be alive.

Beth Greer, 73, and her husband Tommy Greer, 60, say they returned home from work shortly before 11pm Monday night. Within minutes, they were staring down the barrel of a gun.

The blood stains have dried but the memories are still fresh in Beth Greer's mind. She says one moment she was unloading her car, the next she was asking a gunman to spare her life.

'Out of nowhere to my right there was this voice that said 'Hey.' So I turned around and looked and it was this masked man. He had a mask on and a jacket that all seemed like it blended together and he had a gun in his hand pointed at me,' Beth Greer said."

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