Thursday, October 26, 2006


I would think that many of you have been watching the above depicted series on ABC since it first aired. As for me, my daughter and her husband are always looking for ways to entertain themselves and, since Katrina took away most of our enjoyment, they passed it on to me. I have finished the first season and will soon start the second season. I have enjoyed each episode. All of us have things in our past that probably wouldn’t measure up to goodness if it was brought to the surface like it is on this series. Maybe something we completely forgot. I have my thoughts on what this series is about but will not voice my opinion at this time.

In the evening, before I settle in my recliner to watch an episode, I get a small flame going in the fireplace i.e. if the temp is low enough. Each of us probably decide which character we most closely identify with. Since I haven’t robbed a bank or murdered anyone, the closest I could come was identifying, not with what this person was guilty of, but the dilemma she found herself in. She along with her husband and crew were on a scientific expedition when their ship was wrecked. After events unfold she found herself marooned for 16 years all alone on this island. This is where I draw a parallel and relate to what happened to us with Katrina. When Flight 815 crashed on September 22, 2004, the survivors were also confident that they would be rescued, each day they waited as we did after Katrina. For us, eventually help did come but I see a similarity between the years passing as all the necessary things that need to be done here are 10 years or more into the future. As I watch the episodes I can’t help but think that we who are living on the Coast of Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana are more lost than they are. The island they are stranded on is beautiful and resembles a paradise while what was once beautiful to us now has homeless people, destruction and a mind destroying “waiting game” that is slowly taking away our hope for recovery. I refer to the long awaited grant assistance as no more than an elusive dream.

“Lost” is the most exciting and interesting series that I have ever seen and that’s saying heaps because I am very hard to please. So tonight think of me as I watch yet another episode that, although fictitious, has captured the reality of our existence!


Unknown said...

Yay! I knew it would make a Lost fan out of you! :)

I remember watching those first episodes and feeling that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach all over again when the characters were waiting for rescue. There is no rescue. No one is coming. Geeee... How timely.

Ruth said...

Yes I really enjoy it. I like Sawyer too for obvious reasons lol No matter what he does I still like him. I guess that's cause I know it isn't true. In real life, I would have avoided him. lol