Saturday, October 14, 2006

Most of you who have been coming to my blog for months now knew that you would probably find news about south Mississippi and how we are recovering from Katrina. Lately, you may have noticed,I have become more personal in relating my struggles as well as those of my daughter and her family also. In all honesty, there is not one person that resides here that is not having problems. They seem to go on and on without an end in sight. Volunteers have been slacking off in coming to our assistance. Over a year has gone by and surely we are well on our way to recovery right? Wrong! I spoke earlier of a domino effect and that's what is happening here. If any of you think the majority of the people can rebuild their homes without an assistance grant and, in some cases, further assistance beyond the grants, you would be incorrect. Realistically, if you use yourself as the measuring stick, could you do it? Most people can't. It usually takes a lifetime to live in a home dreaming of one day celebrating by "burning" the mortgage. Mortgage companies,in some instances, have been lenient with the payments but when, and if, the grant assistance reaches the people, they will have to make all the back payments... the lenders can't pardon the mortgages without jeopardizing themselves which is understandable. So the "catch 22" continues for most of us in the area. The people are stymied and cannot take what used to be appropriate action.

Crime has increased in the area as has substance abuse (alcohol included). I posted an article from the Sun Herald on a 15 yr. old boy who brought a 22 caliber gun to school and hid it in a trash can in the restroom at Resurrection High School in Pascagoula. I graduated from that school when it was known as Our Lady of Victories (OLV). To think something like that could happen there is unbelievable. Domestic abuse is rampant also. The violence I have mentioned did not rise in this area because of Katrina, it is happening all around the Country. It's time we wake up and realize that something bigger is occuring. We have rules that should curtail every act of violence but they are not working. Perhaps we should appeal our case to a higher power.

On a lighter note, I spent the day cleaning the yard. I don't mean raking a leaf or two... I mean backbreaking work. Dave and Anita were here and lent welcomed hands in the weeding and the trimming of overgrowth. It is looking better and since the grass is going dormant for the winter, I can relax more! See you again when I have something to say. You can count on it!

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