Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My mood was one of melancholy as I drove around the areas in Pascagoula. On this particular day I was making a mental note of objects (like fences or street manhole covers) to see what condition they were in. It didn't really matter what I chose to look for ... there was always damage. Many chain link fences around houses are either twisted out of shape or leaning at various angles. Manhole covers along many of the streets have started to sink and makes for quite a jolt if you should happen to drive into one as I did .... my tire should have exploded. There are houses that are damaged and look abandoned. Neighbors who have repaired their homes can't be happy looking at the damage that surrounds them. The area where I live is an old subdivision that has gone down over the years. Only part of the street I live on looks presentable. Many houses took on water from the Pascagoula River when the storm made landfall and were heavily damaged. The streets are collapsing here too. It's a sad situation. I have pictures from various areas around town of damaged homes.

It is sad to see this and personally not be able to help them. I recently said how tired I am and it is true. If I were to diagnose my condition, I would say that I am emotionally drained. August will be two years and I think each and every one of us are exhausted. See yall!


Unknown said...

I agree with the diagnosis! Just can't keep up the intensity any longer.

Great and horrible pictures.

Love you.

Ruth said...

Thanks Anita, I really hope nothing too big happens anytime soon because I have no reserve left.We have more playgrounds than houses for the people. When we take the kids to Beach Park how many people are there when we are? Maybe one or two most times. Something has to give.