Wednesday, May 16, 2007 : Lightning turns Taylor into fireman : Lightning turns Taylor into fireman: "WASHINGTON --
Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Bay St. Louis, was sleeping soundly early May 4 in his brother's house in Kiln when a lightning bolt cracked through the night sky."


Unknown said...

Okay so the brothers lost their parents' house and Gene lost his house... So Gene and family move into the guest house behind Dean's house - which, in turn, gets struck by lightning and nearly burns down...

And this sort of story is not nearly as rare as one would hope it would be. Shouldn't we all be paranoid by now?

Ruth said...

I also like the story your friend passed on to you. Things are happening down here that are beyond belief. I wonder if the blue tarp rig my neighbor put up between our houses would qualify?

Unknown said...

LOL Yes.. the blue tarp qualifies.