Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New Construction-Pascagoula

We have a chance for rain tomorrow but if that doesn't happen it's okay because I have another plan for my yards. I intend to fill the yards with decorative statues ... some will be pretty and some will be whimsical. The drought we are going through is nothing new in our area. Usually when the rains come the plants grow, flowers bloom and then comes July. The plants and flowers burn to a crisp. We know this but still we plant with hopes that this time it will be different. BUT just in case, I am starting something new.

I will be out soon looking for interesting pictures to show you. New construction is getting harder to find but as soon as the people who are in the FEMA trailers can cut through the "red tape" and assistance comes to their aid, there will be a bulding boom. It just isn't happening at this point in time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a cute frog right there...