Friday, May 04, 2007

Today has been a very hectic day. To have the police at my house at approximately 9:30AM isn't something I am use to. They came back again at 4:30PM and said what happened is revenge on the neighbor's part because I asked that they not put their garbage cans in front of my house. He was ordered this morning to take the "eyesore" down but, he didn't, instead he drove iron bars into the ground from the corner of my fence to the concrete pillar that cities use to mark property lines. He also put his garbage can on my side again, just not in front of the house. Needless to say, my yard doesn't look good. I don't know what he is trying to prove, the line has always been there. The police will patrol. Even if I hadn't been delayed and frazzled by the bizarre actions of a neighbor, I couldn't take pictures because of the rain. As soon as the skies clear, I will be driving around looking for progress.
This doesn't look any better, does it?

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