Thursday, April 27, 2006

Beach Park

What to do with Pascagoula's Beach Boulevard? On east beach there are nine to ten homes under repair. West beach is devoid of homes, trailers dot the landscape. The seawall needs repair and the frontage road needs to be repaved. Sadly, the very pretty pier extending out into the water was destroyed but there are plans for reconstruction.

A circular foundation below is the only remains of a pretty fountain that graced the beachfront. Also gone is the plaque that stood in commemoration of President Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the United States (1849-1850) " Zachary Taylor was an early developer of the city and laid out several of her streets still in use today"

The park grounds are in good condition although most all of the many "picnic" tables nestled under the beautiful oak trees were "washed" away. Fencing enclosing the park also needs repair.

For those of you who live in Pascagoula or once lived here and have been following the news since Katrina struck the coast, you are aware of the controversy with insurance on whether it was wind and water or water alone that caused the devastation. For instance, on Beach Boulevard, there were a number of pine trees that toppled but no oak trees.

In earlier posts I have spoken of the very little wind during the storm. I know because I was here and there were no hurricane force sustained winds. My question is what snapped the pine trees and favored the oaks?

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