Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pascagoula Post Office

The above pics are of the Post Office in Pascagoula, Mississippi. It is a disgrace to the United States Postal Service that after seven months it still isn't usable. The pic below will show you what we have been reduced to.

Present Post Office

Shouldn't this tell you how bad things are down south for all of us. Even the Post Office that's federal has not been repaired.

If there weren't so many restrictions on the rebuilding of homes, there would be a " boom" going on in all the coastal cities. Homes that were repairable on the beaches can stay but those that were reduced to slabs can not. Does that make sense?

Northrop Grumman Shipyard allowed Fema to put trailers on their property on Ingalls Avenue with the stipulation that 25% would be for Northrop Grumman's employees and retirees.

I couldn't get pics showing the large number of trailers that are there because gone are the days when you could pull over to the curb. I took this from a moving car.

An attorney that I know, my first cousin, walked out of the post office and I said how is it going for you. He said, "Okay!" I lost everything I own but we are coming back." That's a typical response from people in Mississippi as in our history we have known disasters and want but still we persevere. Out of all the setbacks, a strong determination to survive was instilled.

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