Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Broadwater Angel

I have had the "scruffy" but adorable angel for over thirty years. It came from the once swanky Broadwater in Biloxi, Mississippi. Many of our office Christmas parties were held there. The lobby was always decorated beautifully and the ornaments on the tree were always special. One year all the ladies, me included, helped ourselves to the ornaments. We didn't get in trouble as the Manager was present and he said, "Go for it ladies" and we did. I also have a mouse and two doves made from the same plaid fabric. I am especially sad as I know there are many others on the coast that would have had these mementos of a wonderful past.

It was a fun era on the coast and enjoyed by so many people. Yet another landmark will disappear from the landscape but we will remember the Broadwater.

Article On The Broadwater

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