Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mental health concerns continue to rise in county

Mental health concerns continue to rise in county: "Two major Katrina issues for people, he said, are that they are rebuilding their homes but also rebuilding their spirits. Yancey said victims are exhausted and experiencing memory loss.

'There's not a quick fix. We just really weren't prepared for this,' Yancey said."

This is true folks, it has happened to me. I had an appointment with a doctor today and I couldn't answer any of his questions.. the words just wouldn't come. He gave me a anti depressant to help me cope. I didn't lose my home or possessions so imagine how the people who did are feeling.


Unknown said...

I was going to comment but can't remember what I was going to say.

Ruth said...

Just as well because I am not sure that anyone cares or believes all this is happening. Keep writing Anita, it's an outlet of expression to what we feel. Can only benefit us. I hope when we do recover that our ability to think and speak does too.

The Smiths said...

Yes...WE DO CARE..and are still praying !!! I will pray that the Light of the World..Jesus will lift you out of your darkest days and fill you with Himself !!!
Love & Hugs, Melanie

Ruth said...

Thank you Melanie, you are a very nice person.It's strange what is happening. Obviously, I can think because I still blog. When the doctor asked so many questions yesterday I heard him but I could not for the life of me respond.I wanted to but all I kept saying to him was I don't know. I felt too tired to even make the attempt to think of the correct answers and then have to speak them to him. Crazy isn't it? We have never been through anything like this and certainly didn't know that something like this could happen but it has. Thank you for your prayers, we need them. Hugs Ruth