Sunday, February 12, 2006

Flapping screens on my backporch were a gift from Katrina. Although I thought I got away with very minor damage, I didn't. As the months rolled on the once pretty porch has now started to mold. Not black mold, just plain mildew from dampness. Doing the storm, rain water seeped under the baseboards and ruined them. The entire outside of the house needs repainting as it has slowly taken on sickly green colored splotches. Earlier I had said I would repaint myself. Well, scratch that! I can't imagine me on a tall ladder stretching to reach the highest peak. Would be a catastrophe waiting.

I engaged the help of my son in law to find me someone who paints and can do minor construction work also. He was successful in that endeavor and now I am waiting on two different estimates. One for the painting and one for repairing the porch and replacing a section of rain gutter. Actually, I don't care how much it costs because this is going to be a one time thing. If we have another catastrophe, I am just going to walk away. Where will I go? I haven't the vaguest! I could go to California and experience an earthquake or to Massachusetts and be buried in snow each winter. Or maybe I will just simply get a condo and let someone else take care of the maintenance. Now that's a good idea!!!!

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