Monday, February 27, 2006

My house was washed down today getting it prepared for a new paint job and I found that I am not happy about it at all. Feelings of doubt have been with me since the storm destroyed so much. Prior to six months ago , I had no trouble buying a piece of furniture or just plain frivolous items for my home or myself. I didn't need them, I wanted them. Frivolity which is part of my nature has now become uncertainty. Although my home received only minor damage I am reminded every day when I see the destroyed homes how quickly it all can be lost. Luck was on my side this time, but what about next time? Shouldn't I be conserving my resources? Prepare for what might happen again?

Fox News, CNN and every other news network is actually doing a countdown to when the hurricane season will begin. Is that necessary? There is concern for the Fema trailers and the money that will be wasted if another hurricane should hit the coast and destroy the trailers. How can housing people 4 or 5 months be considered a waste?

I had just moved into my present home in May before Katrina crashed into us. The trauma that I am still experiencing sweeps over me at unexpected times. My backporch was the reason I bought the house as newer homes very seldom have a backporch. I envisioned a porch filled with green plants, garden statuettes and comfortable porch furniture. Now that the reality is possible, I am hesitant. Since the news is seemingly "harping" on another active hurricane season vexatiously (love that word), should I waste my money? Money that would put me in a much better place than a Fema trailer if another disaster occurs and I could retain my dignity by paying my own way.

A disaster causes calamity and ruin and leaves the human victim distraught in emotions as I am. Most days are fairly normal but occasionally "flashbacks' occur. The water was rushing rapidly down the street, came into the house and started to climb the stairs. My daughter, my son in law, myself and my four grandchildren were going to drown. And ... then the water receded.

Katrina and Me

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I thought that I had experienced a little bit of most things that life can "throw" at you but this feeling is different than anything I have ever experienced. It comes and goes.