Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My daughter and I share an interest in many different things and oft times we work together. So her introducing me to blogging was yet another way for me to write. I prefer truth over fiction and at times I may come across too strong and opinionated. Anita

Her latest post is beautiful and well thought out and gave me an answer to something that happened over 8 years ago. The morning after one of our well known thunderstorms, local news was reporting on a small church that was damaged by the storm. The pastor and his parishoners, at their own expense, had been in the process of adding another few hundred square feet to accommodate the congregational growth. The results of their labor lay scattered in ruins. My husband and I decided to make a sizeable donation to help put the pastor's church on the road to recovery.

The necessary calls were made and he and his wife agreed to meet us at the church. When we arrived, and opened the door, they were sitting in total silence on the small altar. I lead the way down the aisle and introduced us. The pastor's wife started weeping and hugging me. She said, "As you walked down the aisle you looked like Jesus." Whoa! I didn't quite know how to handle that statement. A feeling of unworthiness washed over me and I cried too.

It is the tendency for man to put too much importance on his own self worth and to want recognition for the good he does. I remember being thrilled to be able to "shine" in this good deed. The answer I got this morning after reading Pope Benedict XVI'S encyclical was because of love for my neighbor and the answer to the pastor's wife's prayers, she visualized Jesus walking down the aisle, not me.We are the Body of Christ and are his hands, legs and arms sent to do His Will.

The same principle holds true for the work I did as a volunteer for Operation Vanessa

I was merely an instrument!

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