Sunday, February 12, 2006

Stand Up and Be Counted

The goodness of locals who have survived this disaster shines as bright as a star casting a light on our battered communities. The love and generosity from good people all over the world has added brilliancy to this light so we can find our way out of the darkness.

We, in the state of Mississippi, haven't forgotten Florida, Alabama, Louisiana who suffered from Katrina. New Orleans is especially in my thoughts and prayers. The great state of Texas also for what they endured when Rita struck.

Unfortunately, there are people in our area that haven't learned the lesson that Katrina came to teach. They take, they hoard, they help only their community, they hurl derogatory barbs at denominations different from theirs and people they perceive to have more money than they. The sense of brotherhood has escaped them entirely. They have become like ravenous wolves.

We all need to free ourselves from being "kept" by the government and stand on our own. A disaster as devastating as this one can drain resources necessary to keep our country operating efficiently.

So to all you diehards out there. Appreciate what you do have. Stand up for your State and your Country!!!

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