Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Stepping Way Out With Katrina Views


Read Article Here

After reading many articles like this over the last five months, I think it has become more of a "Party" fight. Democrat versus Republican. Katrina is often referred to as overwhelming (crushing by reason of force, weight or numbers; irresistible). A party preference would have made no difference. We were POWERLESS! Finger pointing is not going to solve the problem. I happen to think that all the highly educated people involved in this so called "investigation" are simply a distracting smoke screen for the real issues at hand.

In relation to the article, I find no acceptable excuse for the four days we waited for life sustaining help. Due to that delay, there were deaths that could have been prevented. The link I have provided to a Sun Herald editorial explains how our state felt after Katrina's storm surge had subsided. Editorial

9/11 was the worse tragedy that happened in America. The death toll was staggering. Most Americans can remember exactly what they were doing that particular morning. We witnessed the first airplane strike the towers and thought the pilot was off course. When the second airplane struck, we knew that America had been attacked. I recall saying over and over, "Oh no, Oh no!!"

There should be no comparison between 9/11 and Katrina, as the comparison between the two gives rise to the thought that Katrina was an attack also, doesn't it?

Regardless of all that has been written and all the warnings we apparently received, most of it is "hogwash". To those of us who were here during the storm, shouldn't what we experienced first hand be taken into consideration? Katrina defied the physics of a hurricane. Camille was a category 5 storm and maintained that status as it made landfall. Katrina was a category 4 storm that made landfall as a category 3. The destruction of Katrina made the destruction of Camille pale in her wake. Something is wrong!

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