Sunday, February 26, 2006

SUN HERALD - Sunday - February 26, 2006

Where We Stand

As the article indicates, we are gradually coming out of the fog we have been living in. All have had trauma in their lives but the degree of that experience can immobilize you. Katrina was the force that plummeted our memories of the past and aspirations for the future into the depths of hell. The loss of a loved one, homes that were destroyed, desecration of our places of worship placed a heavy burden on our psyche. Thanks to all that extended a helping hand to us and have prayed for our recovery. We are coming out of the dreariness of winter into spring and a new beginning.

In an earlier post, I was waiting for estimates to repair my back porch and repaint the exterior of my home. Work begins next week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great article!! I love this:
"We had a good life up to Katrina," Long Beach resident Lloyd Johnson said, summing up the sentiments of many.

"What we had is gone. It's over with. Now we have another life. That doesn't mean it's going to be bad, it's just going to be different."

Bravo, Lloyd Johnson!!!

And bravo, Mom!! Good luck with the repair work next week!!!