Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sep 1 cont ... Upon entering the neighborhood where my daughter, son in law and four grandkids lived I was filled with apprehension. I had experienced this same feeling when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Flight or Fight. Run a way from what would bring me much pain or stay by his side and face whatever came. I stayed. We had nine more happy years together. So.... knowing this was also at times going to bring me pain I opened the door to their house and said "I'm back!"

The day was no different than the three days before. We were tired, dirty and so darn HOT. Please God please! We took turns mopping up the water seepage through the floors and did all we could possibly do to keep the children content.

A neighbor came to tell us that a semi was in the area with supplies. Dave ran down the street to get what we needed off the truck. Diapers, lots of water, can goods, toilet tissue etc. Friends of another neighbor had gotten the supplies and drove them into the subdivision.

We decided to call my next door neighbor and ask if they needed water. He said he had been trying to call but couldn't get a connection. The power was on. You have never seen anyone move as fast as we did gathering supplies, and getting the children into the car. We knew it was after curfew so we drove with bated breath. Nothing was going to stop us. We were headed for air conditioning!!!!

More to come ...

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