Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Eve

The above picture was one that my daughter snapped as my grandsons came up to me and I wasn't expecting what followed. William had a gift he picked himself of bath oils, bubble bath and lotions. His face was priceless as he told me he loved me and he got what he knew I would like. My hand covered my mouth as I was starting to tear up. George was waiting his turn. Although George is 10 yrs. old now, for many of his years, he and I have been sharing coffee, cocoa and Nestle's strawberry drink that he and I believe no one else likes but us. He gave me a very pretty candle that he said he knew I would love and a gift package of fancy cocoa complete with tiny marshmallows. And... no surprise to me that there were only two cups ... one for him and one for me. It was a memorable moment. Thank you boys!

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