Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Well, I know I must be driving some of my regular readers a little "wacky" by now but my blog's index page went "squirrely" on me. I contacted blogger but being me and a " hate to wait on anything kind of person", I decided to chance losing the entire blog. My daughter mentioned that perhaps the template went bad and we both voiced our fears of trying to switch from what I had. Later I thought about it and decided I was going to chance it and here I am again.

I haven't been driving around looking for pictures lately as Christmas is taking top priority at this time. I have been making cookies ..... no I am not that domesticated. I bought five containers of cookie dough from a niece who was hoping to be a top seller for her school and at this time I have three containers left. Today, my daughter's oven was re- installed and she will probably take the baking cookies chore away from me. Actually, I had fun!


Unknown said...

LOL "no I am not that domesticated"
Yes - I have every intention of digging through boxes for cookie sheets today. :) Have to test the oven, right?

Ruth said...

lol Well it's true! I was never completely TAME. I enjoyed baking them .. for sure the house had a great smell ... sort of like chocolate chunk cookies.