Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I have been waiting for the return of the squirrels to my backyard .....or to anyone's backyard. Fierce hurricanes seem to diminish their population and yesterday, almost seven months to the day that Katrina smashed into us, four of the frisky little creatures arrived in my yard. I was only able to capture a pic of two of them as they startle easily. I took the pic through the backporch screen.

This morning I decided to go to my daughter's for a good cup of coffee. The two boys would be in school and the little girls are what I call "sweet" company. I started snapping pics when I saw what Yvonne was engrossed in.

The Incredibles?

Baby Emily was very patient with me as I tried to get the perfect pic but after a zillion shots her expression shows utter confusion. Not exactly what i was hoping to capture but "Ain't she cute"?

And then there is Judge .... who is a character. I love animals and I speak to them as if they are human. Even stray dogs get the same attention from me. My talking to Judge so much had him coming close to speaking with me today.

Okay... now I am feeling pretty good again. A reprieve from all the heavy depressing writing about the storm made me regress to the simple things that never fail to lighten the sometimes heavy burdens in life. Look back in your life and you will find as I have that it is the simple pleasures that you remember. Your childhood Christmas' that stand out in your memory as better than the ones we gave to our children. Why do we remember it that way? Because of its simplicity.

Squirrels, backporch, Yvonne, Emily, Judge and a good cup of coffee today will make a lasting memory of Nana (Me) for my daughter to tell her daughters in another tomorrow.

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