Thursday, March 23, 2006

Okay all you visual spectators out there I am going to take you on another tour. This time down South Pascagoula Street. Many of you have your own memories of So Pascagoula as I do. Upscale in its day. Many lovely older homes dotted the landscape. Majestic oak trees lined both sides of the street. Upon my return to Pascagoula three years ago I came very close to buying a home there. It was still pretty. Today, things have changed.

Many of the oak trees have survived and once again they will add beauty to the homes of future generations.

Try to overlook the blurred pics and the ones that have sunspots in them. Just see So. Pascagoula and visualize what it use to be.

We will be traveling south headed toward the beach.

Well.... what are you thinking? Not very pretty is it? We have lost so much that it is going to take years before beauty returns. Everything that wasn't completely destroyed looks worn. Even the newer homes in the area seem to have aged.

It seems the municipalities along the coast are coming along nicely. The banks are thriving as the people have deposited what money they managed to get from insurance and Fema in their institutions. Several casinos are operating again. But what about the people?

The above picture is like so many destroyed homes on the coast. We all have in common, steps that lead to nowhere.

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