Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Sun Herald | 03/12/2006 | Living with Katrina every day

The Sun Herald | 03/12/2006 | Living with Katrina every day: "On guard and constantly alert"

The above news article is particularly interesting to me as it lists the problems that many survivors are experiencing. I was happy to find that only one pertained to me. "On guard and constantly alert". Nothing wrong with that right? Just means my mind is working overtime and my body is in constant preparation for what MAY happen. I read the newspapers daily and the TV channel is set to FOX NEWS to make sure I am always "one up" on the latest happenings.

If "noises" had been on the list, I would have noted that too. Any aircraft that passes over the house makes me want to run for "cover". I have on two occasions had very large objects hit the house and create a rolling, rumbling sound. On inspection, there was nothing tangible to prove it occured. I heard that same rumble when Katrina was near landfall. There were reports of a Gulf of Mexico earthquake in Dec. 2005 that registered on the seismograph as a 5.2 and many people in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi have reported earth tremors. Could it be aftershocks?

There is nothing psychologically wrong with me as I am basing everything that was strange about Hurricane Katrina on what I know about hurricanes and there were glaring abnomalities in this storm. You don't wear a heavy sweater or coat during a hurricane because the temperature is HOT not cold as it was when Katrina approached land. Trees do not gently rock back and forth, they snap or uproot from the force of the wind. You do not have "white caps" rolling down the main streets of your towns.

Today tornadoes are ripping through the central states and on the news I heard a remark, "You don't have a tornado when the temperature is 40 degrees." What is happening? My daughter saw the sky was a purplish pink color the other night. So purple that the streets were reflecting the color too. She went out to take a pic. It was 8:00PM.

Because of these strange occurences, I am "On guard and constantly alert".

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