Thursday, March 30, 2006

You would think that with all we have to contend with in our hurricane damaged area that vandalism should not be an issue but it is. I have two posts with lights at the end of the drive and Tuesday morning I awoke to find that I now have one. The police officer that came to the house said it was most likely vandals but after I told him other things that have been happening, a patrol of the area was ordered.

I also called Red River Services, as they pick up garbage on Tuesday's, to report the damage. Modern garbage is picked up by trucks that use a claw like device that grabs the container and does a wide "swing" to empty the contents in the truck. I was told I would be called back but I am still waiting.

Why does it seem that there is always several things that could have happened thus making it harder to solve the problem. But.... last evening at 8PM I heard a slight commotion at the front of the house. I opened the front door and I saw several people out in the street run for cover. Later I opened the side door and saw them run and hide. They were not little kids, they looked to be in the 13 to 15 age group. They were at the end of my drive. This morning when I awoke the other post light was still there but for how long? Maybe the officer apprehended them. Tougher penalties should be put on vandalism to curtail the damage they do in the name of fun and the attitude that their age will exempt them from punishment.

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