Saturday, March 04, 2006

I have come almost full circle in my life as we all one day will do. Every beginning must have an ending. My life has been full and relatively long and I have enjoyed it all. Yes, even the bad times because there was always a lesson to be learned. Our experiences in life give shape to who we will become. We can "wallow" in self pity or bring everyone who may cross our path a desire to attain the peace of the calm spirit they sense in us.

The loss of my husband was the biggest hurt of all. Mine and his life together would be another story that I could write about but I won't. After supposedly being cured of one cancer, nine years later, another cancer returned. An inoperable brain tumor. The way our brains work is truly remarkable. He quickly lost the ability to speak my name but he compensated and he spelled orally R-U-T-H. In his final days he calmed my spirit.

To any of you who may read this post, I hope you are bolstered by my words and continue on living and enjoying the life that has been given you. I found that most joy is in loving others.

I am going to take a break posting for a little while as other matters need my attention at this time. See you soon!

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