Thursday, March 08, 2007

After a pretty quick warm up and the morning fog disappeared, today shaped up to be a beautiful springlike day. Although last night I had a 102 temp, this morning found me with only 98 degrees. I felt good so I spent my day cleaning the yard. I am not panicking because I still have remnants of the flu as long as I feel good. Whatever strain I have my temp tends to spike at night. My daughter is feeling better but yesterday her husband came down with it. Unfortunately, he has a deadline to meet and he had to go back to work. That's how it spreads but the work must go on. There's a strike going on at the shipyard but it doesn't affect Dave. Pascagoula merchants are worried about the repercussions of this strike. Let's hope a settlement is reached soon.

I would like to tell you everything that is going on in our areas but it has become mindboggling. I can't report on the people in trailers as I would have to make up the news and I can't do that. There is very little said about them. I have read that many of them were renters before the storm and many do not have a bank account. So what? My husband and I were married 5 yrs. before we moved into our first home. We were renters. We had a bank account but somehow that rainy day always came along and we would have just enough left that was required to keep the account open. Give them a chance.

The insurance dilemma is, in my opinion, politically motivated. It's election time. We at one time in our lives, just like most people, had State Farm as our insurer. We severed that relationship in the 80's. We have so much going against us that hinders our regrowth and the insurance problem is reaching out and involving other states. What are people to do? Is there a solution?

Soon I hope to go out and take a few pictures. I feel good but at the present time my temp is 100.5. I am drinking tylenol. The picture above is a lithograph that we had in a former office. It depicts peacefulness to me. See you soon!

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