Monday, March 12, 2007

When I arrived back at my house today I was happy to find that the tree cutters were in the neighbor's yard to begin taking the two dead pine trees down. One of them threatens my house and had created yet another phobia for me. Had I only looked up I would never have bought this low to the ground small house. I would have bought one large enough with a peaked roof so that if the tree fell it would only crush the roof not the entire house. The tree is too tall, a menace even before the beetles killed it and made it a threat. I have a few pictures of the young guy climbing the smaller in circumference tree that doesn't hover over my house. Tomorrow, just maybe, they will get to the one that frightens me.

Click to Enlarge

One Down, One to Go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing pictures. Amazing guy climbing the trees... talk about nerve! Maybe that big tree you've been worried about will get taken down this week!