Thursday, March 22, 2007

Someone recently asked me what political party that I hold an allegiance to. I might have just blurted out which party I prefer had that question been put before me at an earlier time in my life. After years of being disappointed by the promises made and the promises not kept, I don't know with any certainty which party I prefer. One election year, I did not endorse either candidate and did not vote. I am sure there are many people who don't vote when it comes down to having to choose one just for the sake of voting. I guess we could play that childhood game of "eeny meeny miney moe" and hope for the best. November is fast approaching and at that time it will be over two years since Katrina devastated coastal Mississippi and the lack of fast response to us and being overlooked in the media weighs heavily on my mind. Do we have a guarantee that we will not be completely forgotten when the newly elected come in? We are still struggling to make a comeback. Our cities are having to match a portion to release federal money and since our revenue has been lost due to business' being destroyed I ask you, "How do we recover"? It has been a no win situation.

Too many people are still in Fema trailers. I ride around often in Pascagoula and they are still there in designated parks or wherever available space could be found and many are parked in front of their damaged homes. There has been some progress with homes because of the grant assistance but many people did not qualify so what happens to them? Dear God, this is America isn't it? We have had many volunteers from other states come but they can only do so much. I hear about plans for the city but unfortunately many plans have not been implemented. Why? I suspect it's because the designated federal money has not been released.

Thanks for lending an ear. What is happening here is not making sense and that brings on a rant from me. I see it, I hear it and I know something is wrong with all the delays but who am I? Just a concerned citizen for coastal Mississippi.

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