Monday, January 29, 2007

Brrr!! It has been cold here. I am trying to determine if I have the beginnings of a cold or if I am allergic to the fumes of gas heat. I stayed home today not because I feel bad or anything, it was out of respect for my digital camera ... it "died" yesterday. Of course, my dropping it might have hastened its death. Immediately, Amazon received an order from me ... my new camera will be here before the weekend. I love this digital camera craze maybe a little excessively but there is a reason, there always is. As a young married couple with three young children that we referred to as little stairsteps, meaning they were very close in age, we didn't have the money for a good camera. My first camera was purchased for $5.00 and the label off a cocoa product. There were many reasons to not like that camera but the one I hated the most was trying to get the roll of film in without exposing it. Everything was in black and white then which I also didn't like. So drab! The digital is perfect for what I am doing and my new one will operate even better.

On the local news, crime seems to be increasing at an alarming rate, especially in Gulfport. Many homes are under construction in Pascagoula, of a new design in order to comply. We will get use to it in time. I noticed when I took pictures of the Katrina cottage that it was approximately 12 inches off the ground. A heavy downpour would flood the house. Maybe they will be put on ground that has been elevated to the required height. Sure hope so or it would be unfair to the people that elevated 23 ft.. When I drive around taking pictures, I sometimes feel sad. We have been hit with an overwhelming blow but still we are continuing on with our lives.

Mississippi still isn't in the news much except to complain about how much money has come into our state or how uneducated we all are. Civil rights issues from 40 years ago immediately made headlines before our fears calmed and our tears dried. My thoughts on being an underdog may be slightly different from most people but I believe that one day the Last shall be First!

See you soon!

1 comment:

Swapna Padmanabh said...

A little bird told me that Pine-Sol was invented in Mississippi. I think you need to advertise this fact and then Mississippi will once again be looked upon with high regard (at least by anyone who cleans their own home). Man I love the smell of Pine Sol and makes me feel safe walking around my otherwise biohazard of a home.