Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Can't life be a bummer sometimes? What about us as human beings, can't we become contrary as situations change? For instance, there are still people in Fema trailers that have been deprived, because of the storm, a decent place to live. At first, people were bending over backwards to aid their fellowman in a time of distress. Fema trailers sprouted everywhere to help the citizens who had no shelter. Now that time has passed, and many people are doing quite well again, there are complaints about where the trailers have been placed. The same people you willingly helped are still there. So what has changed? Unfortunately, it is obvious that when the situation improved for them personally, they had a change of heart.

Immediately after the storm when I had internet service again, I sent an email to a county supervisor offering my land for placing trailers there. I knew nothing of Fema reimbursements, I was willing to do it for nothing. I never received a reply but getting anything through in the earlier days was next to impossible.

I remarked in an earlier post that if you just name a subject that I can tell you a story. I have one on eminent domain which I think is a legal way of stealing what belongs to someone else. To use eminent domain requires a procedure of notification, signatures and maybe a ridiculous amount of money given to you to take your property. My daughter's boyfriend alerted us to the fact that the county was using a portion of our land and that there was a huge drainage ditch dug across it. The ditch was a requirement to collect the money on a couple of million dollar road project. All we asked for was the $2000 that was paid to other property owners that were involved. They said take them to court and we did. Seven years later we were awarded $15,000 .. the attorney received 40% of it. Was it worth the hassle? No!!! The land has been in our name for 22 yrs., so figure the taxes that have been paid. I just paid 2006 taxes this month. It's a catch 22, if you don't pay the taxes you can lose it and now we have eminent domain raising its ugly head again . Take if from one who knows, they do strike!

We have had stormy weather and lately it has been very cold. I wonder how the people in trailers are faring. Any news on them has virtually stopped. I guess I am old fashioned but I think the welfare of people should be of the highest priority. Please don't tell me I am dreaming again.

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